Window Maker Themes

Nifty Background
Pixel GNU
Pixel Linux
Simplistic Gray

For some reason I still use Window Maker after all these years. Once upon a time I gazed in awe of the old graybeards who still used FVWM and TWM, and here I am many years later using a mostly abandoned window manager. At least it can look nice.

Nifty Background

This I think is my finest theme. I use this nowadays with my Fractal Fire background on my laptop.


Pixel GNU

I still use this on my workstation today; it is a nice subdued theme.


Pixel Linux

These are the first themes I ever made that I don't think are atrocious looking. I had a thing for pixelate images when I was fifteen.




A variant on the original with slightly different images.


Simplistic Gray

A very simple gray theme that uses no pixmaps. This is what I used when I had a poor little 166MHz i586 with a very depressing 16M of RAM.


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Last Modified: January 21, 2013